What is A.E.G.I.S, when was it founded, any history, and where does it get its funding and what does it do?
A.E.G.I.S means Alien Exterminating Global Intercept System. It is a secret international organization established by the U.N. dedicated to protecting the Earth from the so called "invaders". Not all humans can fight against the "invaders" so the organization was established.
Back then it was called the Earth Defense Organization and was changed to AEGIS after it became independent from the U.N. A.E.GI.S. gets its funding from member countries who joined the organization.
The organization's plan is to collect people who have the ability to use the "gate" and fight against the "invaders". A.E.G.I.S. is also in-charge of developing weapons for the use of GateKeepers for fighting against the invaders. It has branches or divisions located all over the world such as the North American Branch, Far East Branch, West Germany Branch and UK Branch etc.
What is a GateKeeper?
A GateKeeper is anyone who can use the gate and is able to draw power from it. The "gate's" ability is drawn from another dimension as they need to open the "gate" to summon the power. Each GateKeeper has his or her own ability and has their advantages, disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses. A "gate" ability can be used for either good or evil depending on the one that posseses it. A "gate" ability if used in an evil manner will turn into a negative "gate". One example is the the "Gate of Life" will turn into the "Gate of Death".
What is a "gate"?
A "gate" is referred to as a source of power of a GateKeeper. The "gate" when opened, releases energy that comes from another dimension and only GateKeepers can manipulate and control its powers.
What is an "invader"?
An "invader" is known as an alien who is trying to disrupt peace, prosperity and security amongst people. Inavaders sometimes replace people secretly and continue to grow in number. If invaders are not stopped, they will destroy the Earth and its people.
Why is it set in 1969 and what does it have to do with the series?
I don't exactly know why the creators of this series set it in 1969, but I think they set it in 1969 because Japan had strong economy and according to the series, human desires kept on increasing and invaders increased as a reponse to this trend. 1969 was also considered a time when politics was very important in society as people who join into politics were considered fashionable. This seen in the series as Kageyama used this political trend to advance his own causes.
Why did the "invaders" invade Japan at that time?
The "invaders" invaded Japan because they thrived on human desires. The "invaders" took this an advantage because they could use the desires against the world.
What is a "Fukuoka Type" invader?
A "Fukuoka Type" invader is a human that was secretly replaced by an invader. People are lured by a strange noise and come to the place they think the sound comes from. Then they are replaced by an invader that looks similarly like the person that was replaced. It was called the "Fukuoka Type" because it was taken from the high school teacher that was the first to be discovered to be replaced into an invader in Tategami High School.
In the GateKeepers game, there was a character named Francine Allumage. Who is she and why isn't she in the animation edition?
Francine is the only character in the GateKeepers game that wasn't in the animation edition. There is no exact reason why she isn't in the animation edition and it is GONZO who knows the answer to that. There is also a character that can be only seen in the anime and not in the game. That character is Megumi Kurogane.
I've heard of the GateKeepers game but why the series now?
GateKeepers was released first as a PlayStation game. Most of the games made are based from animes but this time the series is based from a game.