| Hangar Non-Gate Super Weapons | This is the Toyota car the Syun Ukiya uses. It's a Toyota UP-15 and is also know as the Toyota Sports 800. It has a top speed of 155 km/h but was modified by A.E.G.I.S. so that it can go as fast as 300 km/h with his gate ability. As the captain, he gets the privelege of having his own car. With the use of the power generated by the gate, the car can go faster than any ordinary car. | | The race between Syun Ukiya and Jim Skylark happened in episode 13. Jim Skylark outrunned Syun due to his gate of speed of sound. The race was stopped because a police unit was on their pursuit, but because A.E.G.I.S. agents were allowed to be above the law, they weren't arrested. The green car that is being used by Jim Skylark is a Lotus Super 7. | | The car that the A.E.G.I.S. Far East Branch Commander uses is a Citroën DS-21 car. The model name DS-21 is derived from it's fuel capacity. The older models only had a 1.9 litre fuel capacity so it was named DS-19. While the newer models had a 2.1 litre fuel capacity, so the model name was changed to DS-21. You can see this car many times in the series especially in the first few episodes which the commander uses. | | Remember the flashback of scenes from the many episodes of the series? If you do, this car is the car made by Hiromi Ukiya, the father of Shun. In the second episode there was a quick flashback of his dad making his car. The car also had the same capability of Shun's Toyota UP-15 that could go as fast as 300 km/h. The car was a modified version of an older car with a change of the engine. |  | The YS-11A cargo and passenger plane was used by AEGIS to transport equipment and other machines that were being used by AEGIS Far East branch. The YS-11A served many purposes such as transporting the Gate Engine and bringing the GateKeepers to the battlefield. |  | The NF-104A Multi-role fighter was used by AEGIS in fights against invaders during aerial combat. Seen first in episode 7, Reiko rode the jet and was carrying a piano that was built-in. The NF-104A was actually a variant for training astronauts and there was only 3 that were designated for the AEGIS Far Eastern Branch. But I doubt it because AEGIS was using them but in reality were designated as training planes. If you look at the blueprints of the AEGIS Far East Underground Base, you can only see 3 of them in one of the super weapon hangars. |  | The H-21A Helicopter was used by AEGIS to transport super weapons such as the Gate Engine and the Gate Robot. AEGIS has their own model of this helicopter. It was the V-44A. This was supposed to be the real model but my sources tell that it is the H-21A. A little bit of history: The original manufacturer of this helicopter was Piasecki Aircraft Corporation, in 1956 it was renamed to Vertol Aircraft Company. In 1960, it was repurchased by Boeing and became it's helicopters division. My analysis comes to a conclusion that the H-21A, B and C model made by Piasecki Aircraft Corporation was renamed when the company name was changed to Vertol Aircraft Company, thus the new model name is V-44A, B and C. |  | The TH-55J helicopter was used by AEGIS to scout for invaders from the sky. Seen first in the 5th episode, it scouted for invaders from the sky but was unable to find them. The TH-55J helicopter can only be used for moving around a small distance and cannot be used for any other purpose. |  |